Dizziness Specialist

Metropolitan Cardiovascular Consultants, LLC
Cardiology located in Beltsville, Bowie and Columbia, MD also servicing Laurel, Lanham, and Cheverly, MD
Cardiology located in Beltsville, MD & Columbia, MD
When you feel unsteady, wobbly, or like the world is spinning around you, the cause may be vertigo, a condition that causes recurring dizziness. At Metropolitan Cardiovascular Consultants, LLC in Beltsville and Columbia, Maryland, board-certified cardiologist Ayim Djamson, MD, diagnoses and treats vertigo, which can be a symptom of heart disease. To find out what’s causing your vertigo and get relief, call or use the online booking tool today.
Dizziness Q & A
What causes vertigo?
Vertigo and other conditions that cause recurrent dizziness are most often associated with damage to the inner ear or a miscommunication between the inner ear and the brain. In some cases, this damage or miscommunication results from a more serious pathological condition, such as a tumor or multiple sclerosis.
What are the symptoms of vertigo?
The most common symptoms of vertigo include:
- Dizziness
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- A sense that your surroundings are spinning
- A general loss of balance
If you’re experiencing additional symptoms, such as fever, double vision, weakness, or trouble speaking, you might have a more severe condition. Seek appropriate emergency care right away.
How is vertigo diagnosed?
While many doctors simply diagnose vertigo as an inner ear problem, a large contributor to dizziness is the abnormal function of circuitry in the brain. Dr. Djamson may provide testing to better understand how your brain is functioning:
Videonystagmography (VNG)
This computerized system allows Dr. Djamson to assess your oculomotor system, which is the nervous system control of your eye movement. By measuring your eye movement, Dr. Djamson receives valuable neurological information that can identify specific areas of concern in your brain function.
Another form of eye testing, saccadometry measures your saccade, or your ability to quickly look between two points. A saccade is the only human physiological function that uses every area of the brain, which makes it an invaluable test to help Dr. Djamson evaluate your brain function.
CAPS™ balance testing
Because falls are one of the leading causes of injury among vertigo sufferers, CAPS testing allows Dr. Djamson to identify how well your brain can perceive your body’s position in space.
How is vertigo treated without medicine?
Once Dr. Djamson understands your current brain function relative to your inner ear and sense of balance, he assigns a series of therapies and exercises that help improve brain function and facilitate the brain’s inherent ability to repair itself. The therapy you receive depends on your evaluation, but it may include:
- Vibration therapy
- Vestibular stimulation
- Balance therapy
- Advanced muscle retraining
- Optokinetics
- Eye exercises
- Oxygen therapy
- Somatosensory evoked potential
When your attempts at conquering your vertigo through traditional means aren’t working, it’s time to take a more holistic approach. Call Dr. Djamson at Metropolitan Cardiovascular Consultants, LLC in Beltsville, Maryland, to schedule your consultation, or book using the convenient online tool.